
This site is devoted to the wonderful world of books. Books can teach, entertain, amuse, inspire, frighten, thrill, and surprise. I am a frequent visitor to the local library, where I check out several books at a time to ensure that I am never without a good read. My favorite theme is mystery/crime/suspense, although I do switch it up from time to time and throw in a romance story here and there. Must read authors for me are: Harlan Coben, Stuart Woods, James Patterson, Linwood Barclay, Leslie Langtry, Evan Marshall, Elizabeth Gunn, Lisa Gardner, Maggie Sefton, Joy Fielding, Stephen White, Mark Billingham, Sue Grafton, Melissa Senate, and Barbara Freethy, to name a few! Once I have read a book, I will enter my thoughts, comments, questions, opinions, and I am hoping you will do the same.

Monday, May 31, 2010

"I, Alex Cross" by James Patterson

Again, it took me three days to complete a James Patterson book. While “I, Alex Cross" had everything you’d expect (murder, mystery, sickos, family), I have to say, it was very confusing to me. For one thing, there were way too many characters. Then, these guys were able to track everyone down and silence them (even as far away as Trinidad), but somehow they never located Hannah, leaving her to live and reveal Zeus’ identity and they never got to Alex, who they were told had the disk with a video on it? And what was with the ring? The person known as Zeus was seen wearing it in the video. Then the person they initially thought was Zeus (it turns out, it wasn’t) had it on, but its significance was never explained. Who were all of the people involved and how did they become involved? It just seemed like too many details were omitted. There was some seriously disgusting stuff going on in the DC area (think wood chipper).

It’s good being able to check back in with Alex and a lot went on with his family. He found out during his birthday celebration that his niece was brutally murdered. Nana Mama was near death, spending time in a coma, but bounced back. Alex and Bree got engaged on New Year’s Day. Alex’s old friend, Kyle Craig, made an appearance on the last page. I'm holding out hope that "Cross Fire" will be an improvement to this novel.

“Caught” by Harlan Coben is on deck.

See mew all later!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I love James Patterson, also Harlan Coben, Mark Billingham, RJ Ellory, Lee Child and Karin Slaughter – and I've just read a first-rate crime mystery thriller called With Cold Hearts by David Hurst that features all of them, and one that's been praised by bestselling crime author Peter James on the cover as "Great insight, energy and really good pace". Seeing as Peter James latest novel Dead Like You went into the Number One spot on the Sunday Times Bestseller list after just three days, that is praise indeed! It's about a serial killer who targets crime mystery writers and their readers and when the main character, a struggling freelance journalist, starts to write a book in the manner of Capote's In Cold Blood about the chase for the serial killer he finds that he has become a legitimate target for the serial killer. So then he is not only writing about the story he is in it in a chilling manner. It's a fast-paced book that moves at breakneck speed – and one with a twist as unique as they come and one that will send shivers down you and have you looking over your shoulder… Really! Don't say I didn't warn you. This book is about to take off. It's as original as Stieg Larsson, as fast-paced as james Patterson, Lee Weeks or Lee Child – and with a story that is both supremely entertaining but also one that will live with you for a long time after reading it. My advice is to read it first so you know what others are about to experience… With Cold Hearts is thrilling and brilliant and I want more people to read it so I can have more to chat to about it! Author David Hurst knows how to write a plot and have great characters who deliver some really powerful and emotive lines. I'm certain With Cold Hearts is destined to become a Number One international bestelling novel. A must-read.
